In Milestone 1 you will practice the work of historians: finding (researching) and evaluating sources (evidence) to answer historical questions (make a claim). You will complete the assignment over two modules. Specifically, this assignment will help you be able to:
Evaluate what makes a source reputable
Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
Refine your skills in finding academic sources through the library
Answer questions fully, using evidence from appropriate sources
Cite your sources with in-text citations
Format in-text citations and a reference list
Select the global historical event you will research throughout the term and for your Final Milestone Topic. Select a topic from the HIS 103 Global Historical Events List: GEOGRAPHY The Americas (Central, South & Caribbean)
Spanish (Cortez) siege of Tenochtitlan (1521) (present-day Mexico)
Mexico abolished slavery (1824)
Cuba abolished slavery (1886)
Brazil abolished slavery (1888)
Mexican Revolution (1910-1920)
Cuban Missile Crisis (1967)
Sandinista overthrow of Somoza Government (Nicaragua, 1979)
Opening of Panama Canal (1914) Through research, identify at least four sources (one must be a primary source) that have information to help you answer:
Question 1: What individuals, people, or social groups (gender identity, ethnicity, race, etc.), played a significant role in the global historical event you selected? What was their role (what did they do)?
Question 2: What was one cause, or contributing factor, of the global historical event you selected?
TIPS: To help identify sources that will help you answer the questions, you should do more than read their titles. Instead, skim the introductions, indexes, and tables of contents, and read selections to determine if they have information to help you answer the questions. Take notes as you do, including the following information:
–reference information to use for in-text citations & the bibliography
–whether it is a secondary or primary source
–the information (evidence) that will help you answer the questions.
Save your notes from the research – you will submit them for this assignment and use them later in the term.
Complete the three (3) Tables in the Milestone 1 Worksheet for each of the 4 sources you selected using the CRAAP criteria. Consult the NLU Library’s Evaluating Sources page for more information about applying the CRAAP criteria.