From the national level to the local level, the government plays an important role in how products are acquired, consumed, and disposed. Your textbook touches on how the government makes use of consumer behavior, as well as the role of public policy-making organizations. For this assignment, think about the policies of the government on the acquiring, consuming, and disposing of products. Complete the following: Select an aspect of your local community that you believe that the government, whether local or national, should act upon, or does act upon, in acquiring, consuming, or disposing of a product. Assess and explain the consumer’s role in this aspect as it relates to acquiring, consuming, or disposing of the product. Does the government have any control or role in this aspect, currently? Explain the current level of control or role. Should the government take a more active role or a less active role in this aspect? Assess the government’s role and influence. While content is the most important aspect of your paper; organization, readability, grammar, and spelling are also important. The content of the paper will generally determine the length, but a general rule for this assignment, as well as the other assignments of the course, is that the length should be around 400 to 800 words, and it should follow APA formatting. Add headers as appropriate, include a reference page at the end of your paper, and be sure to properly cite and create references for material you use in your paper, per APA guidelines. The paper you submit should be in a Word document. Once complete, submit your assignment to your instructor. Refer to the Government Role in Consumer Behavior Scoring Guide to ensure you have met the requirements of the assignment, prior to submitting.