For Week 1’s discussion, you will choose one Scientific Method Hypothesis Questions below to discuss. [NOTE: Only one student can post on a specific Scientific Method Hypothesis (see list of 20 choices below); therefore, it is required that each student state the specific Scientific Method Hypothesis they are discussing in their Week 1 initial post in the subject line. For Example, if your initial post Scientific Method Hypothesis is a ‘Will chilling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?’, then type ‘Onion hypothesis’ in the subject line]. Your initial post to the Week 1 discussion is required to be completed and posted by 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday of Week 1. Your initial post should be on one of the 20 options for discussing the Scientific Method and is required to be at least 250 words, and it MUST be in your own words. You are required to include at least one reference in your initial post, and this includes BOTH in-text citations and a full APA reference citation at the end of the post. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Blurtit, Yahoo Answers or ANY open blog or ANY open source where anyone can post responses and the information is not verified. These are unacceptable academic resources; be sure to use reliable sources of information and research carefully. Do NOT copy and paste from the Internet. Please do not plagiarize. If you DO quote a phrase word for word (verbatim), be sure to explain the phrase afterward. If you quote directly from the source, you MUST put quotation marks around it, and you MUST cite the source at the end of your post. It is NOT simply enough to put a source at the end. Paraphrased information from a reference requires a citation immediately following the information. Quoted materials do not count towards the 250 word requirement. Select 1 of the 20 hypotheses below, and describe the steps of the Scientific Method you would use to test the question or find the solution to the problem. Be sure to identify the steps (observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion). Research (using only credible and reliable resources) the particular question you will be testing with the Scientific Method and make sure to address ALL parts of the Scientific Method. Initial responses cannot be based on experience alone; researched information from reliable and credible sources must support the steps of the Scientific Method. Use reliable sources of information to aid in finding supporting documentation in regards to the hypothesis, experiment, and/or conclusion. TOPIC:Does temperature affect the rate in which food spoils?
The Discussions are not simply statements of opinion. They are intended to allow you to expand upon and apply the principles discussed in your textbook, the lectures, and/or other research you conduct. Each odd-numbered week a question will be posed for your consideration. Before answering, you should review the chapters covered during this week and the lectures.
All living things are made up of cells. Some organisms have only one cell and are termed unicellular while others contain many cells and are called multicellular. For example, yeasts are single-celled fungal cells while the human organism contains 200+ different types of cells that number into the trillions! Cells are further differentiated based on whether they are prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Cells are crucial to the maintenance of the overall organism. For Week 3’s discussion, you will choose a specific type of cell to discuss. [NOTE: Only one student can post on a specific cell type; therefore it is required that each student state the specific the type of cell they are discussing in their Week 3 initial post in the subject line. For Example if your initial post cell type is a Neuron, type Neuron in the subject line].
You could choose cells within the human body such as neurons or eosinophils or epithelial cells. You might choose plant cells such as collenchyma cells or xylem cells. You could also choose a fungal cell such as a hypha. Since some organisms only have one cell, you could also choose one of those to discuss. Your initial post to the discussion is required to be completed and posted by 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday of Week 3. Your initial post is required to be on a specific cell type that has NOT been posted on by another student AND at least 250 words. This MUST be in your own words. You are required to include at least one reference in your initial post. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Blurtit, Yahoo Answers,, ANY open blog or ANY open source where anyone can post responses and the information is not verified. These are unacceptable academic resources; be sure to use reliable sources of information and research carefully. Do NOT copy and paste from the Internet. Please do not plagiarize. If you DO quote a phrase word for word (verbatim), be sure to explain the phrase afterward. If you quote directly from the source, you MUST put quotation marks around it AND you MUST cite the source at the end of your post. It is NOT simply enough to put a source at the end. Paraphrased information from a reference requires a citation immediately following the information. Quoted materials do not count towards the 250 word requirement. [NOTE: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic are not specific types of cells; they are two large groups into which all cells are categorized]. What type of cell is it? What type of organism is the cell found in? Where in the organism is the cell found? What is its function or duty? How does it contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis? Describe the cell’s characteristics. Are there organelles? Does the cell contain components that are unique to that type of cell? Can the cell reproduce, if so, how does this occur? Is this type of cell found in other organisms?
Threaded Discussion Rubric
Post 1
60 Points Possible
1. Student submitted an appropriate and substantive post to the original assignment. This includes addressing all of the original questions/issues in a grammatically correct and logical manner
2. Assignment submitted on time and on a different day than other posts
3. Assignment met word count and Word Count (WC) is stated at the end of the post. 10
4. An appropriate scientific website was referenced properly and according to APA format.