For a Term Paper Outline on the topic “Criminal Recidivism,” the paper outline should be between 200 and 300 words. The outline should include a topic overview, a compelling thesis statement, and a comprehensive problem statement pertinent to the course subject. Below is a simplified guide to structuring your assignment.
Instructions for Submission:
The assignment must be between 200 to 300 words.
Ensure your response adheres to the below-outlined structure.
Provide proper citations for any external sources used.
Topic Overview: Briefly state the topic and note why you selected it.
Thesis Statement: A thesis statement presents a research paper’s primary argument or focal point. It serves as a guiding beacon for the entire document, directing the trajectory of the argument and enlightening readers on the central theme or stance the author intends to uphold. Your thesis statement should begin with the following: “The purpose of this paper will be………”
Definition of your Selected Topic:
Provide a clear and cited definition of your selected topic of Criminal Recidivism.
Provide at least 10 Scholarly References that you will utilize in your paper.