Do some research on schools in the 1950’s. Some good sites are listed below but


Do some research on schools in the 1950’s. Some good sites are listed below but you can expand your search to other sources.
General background (skip the video problematic and full of ads)
Complete the graphic organizer describing the similarities and differences of today’s educational world with life from the 1950s. Be sure to label the differences on the graphic organizer. For example, one differences noted is schools today have a wide range of resources including computers, tablets, cell phones and other devices that didn’t exist in the 1950s. Most instruction in the 1950’s utilized lecture and textbooks, you could label this difference as: TECHNOLOGY and write this in the center box between today’s classrooms and the 1950’s. Your graphic organizer should have a minimum of 4 differences and at least 8 similarities. Then you will note any patterns of similarities and differences you find significant. Finally, compose a few sentences that sum up the entire graphic organizer. Insert a page break. Then add Part 2.
Part 2:
Respond to the following two questions in 3-6 paragraphs each. Be sure to support your points with examples.
Summarize what your text and supplemental material says about middle school students and the mismatch between their intellectual and emotional needs. Then, describe how schools could use the “preoccupation with social relations” among these students as a means of improving their academic and social development.
Assume for a moment that you are the principal of a large urban middle school. Your task is to create “schools within the school.” Explain how you would go about reforming the school to make it more personal. Be specific and cite evidence from your text or other sources.


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