Data is gathered and compiled by various organizations and often used to inform


Data is gathered and compiled by various organizations and often used to inform internal decisions. However, sometimes data are also shared in order to help others make decisions. This week you will be looking into an instance of this data sharing by The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Specifically, you will be using the the CMS Nursing Home Compare tool to gain insights about the information that is reported to CMS, and in turn how it is presented to the public.
To complete this case study, use the website: Medicare Nursing Home CompareLinks to an external site.
Instructions to run comparison:
Search for any city/zip code with your assigned state. (See the published announcement for state assignments.) Ensure the “Provider Type” is “Nursing homes”.
Select 3 Nursing Homes from your assigned state using the “Compare” option.
Once you have made your choices, they will appear in a dark blue bar near the top of the screen. Select the Compare button within this row to see data presented in a table for all three selections.
You will be taken to a report page that shows you the ratings for each of the nursing homes scored across various categories.
Scroll down to select the “Quality measures” section.
Locate the following five measures:
Short-Stay – 
Percentage of short-stay residents who were re-hospitalized after a nursing home admission.
Percentage of short-stay residents who needed and got a vaccine to prevent pneumonia.
Long-Stay –  
Percentage of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury.
Percentage of long-stay high-risk residents with a urinary tract infection.
Select one additional measure of your choice that you would want to review if you had to send a loved one to the facility (this can be from either the short-stay or long-stay category – your choice).
***Note: For some nursing homes, instead of a percentage, you will see a “Not Available” message. In these cases, please select an alternative facility that has all of the data available.
Create an Excel Spreadsheet to demonstrate a comparison between the nursing homes:
Include the names of the three Nursing Homes selected
Compare the Overall rating from the Overview section, not the Quality of Resident Care section, between the three nursing homes. (The rating will be listed out of 5 stars and will be the first star rating at the top of each nursing home.)
Compare the 5 Quality Measures listed above (including the one of your own choosing) between the three nursing homes and also against the State Average and the National Average (included under the name of each individual measure on the website).
List the centers you chose for your comparison
Discuss why you selected the fifth quality measure and what makes it important in your evaluation of a nursing home.
Based on your comparison, explain which would be your top choice to place your loved one for a short-stay AND which one you would select for a long-stay. (This must include a discussion of how the selected nursing homes rank in terms of percentages compared to the other nursing homes and to the state and national averages. Use the data from your spreadsheet to support your discussion.)
Formatting Instructions
The case write-up should be formatted using:
Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around
12 pt. Times New Roman font
Cases should be written in paragraph format, free from grammatical errors.
Assigned state is Connecticut 
Submit your Excel spreadsheet and Write-up


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