Choose a phrase or paragraph from each chapter of your reading and make a commen


Choose a phrase or paragraph from each chapter of your reading and make a comment guided by the questions to consider.
Questions to Consider for Goodman Chapter 1
1. Why is “understanding the present” a more compelling reason for studying the history of psychology than “avoiding mistakes of the past”?
2. Why is studying the history of psychology more important for a psychology major than studying the history of chemistry for a chemistry major?
3. Why is presentism problematic in our study of the history of psychology?
4. What are the limitations to a personalistic approach to the history of psychology as compared to the naturalistic approach?
5. The distinction between primary and secondary sources is very different in history than in psychology. Give some examples of both types of sources in both disciplines. Try to explain the similarity in primary sources in both disciplines.
Questions to Consider for Preface/Chapter 1 of Benjamin
In the Preface, Benjamin distinguishes between academic psychology, the profession of psychology, and public psychology (aka popular psychology). Describe each of these three psychologies. Give an example of each from Chapter 1. Each student should just define one of these psychologies and give an example (don’t describe all 3). Other students can provide additional examples if they want.
Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms. phrenology & physiognomy mesmerism & spiritualism mental healing & the mind-cure movement moral philosophy & mental philosophy 3. What is John Locke’s distinction between sensation and reflection. Why is this an important distinction for modern scientific psychology? 4. What was the contribution to modern scientific psychology of Thomas Reid’s philosophy known as Scottish realism? In what way did he disagree with British empiricists like Locke?


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