Can I get this paper by Sunday January 19, 2025 by 3:30pm instead of 3:23am
Construct 5 page paper discussing EACH of the Four traditional mood stabilizer medication: Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, lithium, and valproate products, support your answers with 5 evidence-based, peer-reviewed scholarly literature.
Note: APA style format will apply.
Proposed mechanism of action
Baseline assessment laboratory considerations, ( birth assigned gender, age, other medical comorbidity considerations)
FDA approval indications
Typical dosing with discussion on therapeutic endpoints for psychiatric use
Major drug-drug interactions considerations
For each of these medications, please review potential drug-drug interactions listed below. Consider alternative dosing schedules clinical implications for the drug interactions additional patient education needed, any additional monitoring recommended, or collaboration needed with other medical professions ( such as, primary care providers).
Lamotrigine + Valproate
Lamotrigine + Rifampin
Valproate + Estrogen containing birth control.
Valproate + Amitriptyline
Lithium +Lisinopril
Carbamazepine + Lurasidone
Carbamazepine + Grapefruit Juice
Discuss the ethical, legal, and social implications related to prescription bipolar and other related mood disorder diagnosis therapy for patients.
I need a excellent paper