Assignment Overview: This semester, you will write a series of five papers, with


Assignment Overview: This semester, you will write a series of five papers, with each paper building on (and sometimes reusing) material from prior papers. To make sure your first paper (Paper I: Literature Review) provides a good foundation for subsequent papers, this “Read Aloud Assignment” focuses on helping you know what to write and how to write it. Grading is pass / fail: Just make sure to complete all four steps below to earn all assignment points. You will also have a good start on your first paper!
For this “Read Aloud Assignment”, I want you to complete four steps (see the Assignment #3 instructions for more details)
Step One: I want you to upload your first full page of Paper I. Submit your one-page document by uploading the paper file to Canvas. Step Two: I want you to read your page aloud to another person. Then have your reader complete the six “Questions For Your Listener” survey
Step Three: To make sure you have a good grasp of your study hypotheses, I want you to tell your reader what your study is about in your own words and then ask them whether the first page of your paper does a good job setting up or leading into those hypotheses Step Four: Finally, you will rate several statements about your own writing


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