APA Format Originality report AI report BSN level Instructions Provide detailed responses to each question on a Word document including: Explain one technology you have used in healthcare Explain the impact of the technology using referenced support with in-text citations Describe how you used this type of technology to support a healthcare decision Describe an example illustrating how use of the technology effected your decision making Research the evolution of your identified technology using the technology life cycle How has the technology evolved: past, present, future How has this evolution improved healthcare decision making Resources For assistance on creating a reflection, please visit the following article: McMillan-Coddington, D. (2013). Reflection through journal writing to educate registered nursing students on patient care. Teaching And Learning In Nursing, 8(2). 63-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2012.09.004 For additional writing assistance, please visit the Rasmussen College Writing Guide. For additional APA assistance, please visit the Rasmussen APA Guide. Need assistance with research? Ask a Librarian!