Answer the following questions in a response that is 250 words maximum: 1. Comme


Answer the following questions in a response that is 250 words maximum:
1. Comment on the issues that your peer described. For example, were the issues accurate?
2. How well did they describe how the issue(s) was/were handled?
3. Describe another issue that is evident in the article.
4. At least two in-text citations/references (in addition to the article under discussion) are needed for the response post. References must be from those included.
Discussion Post to respond to: Health Promotion in an Opioid Treatment Program: An Evidence-Based Nursing Quality Improvement Project
Quality improvement focuses on unit and organizational processes that impact outcomes, analyzing performance, compliance measures, and nursing metrics to address specific local performance gaps (Ogrinc et al., 2013; Raines, 2012). The main question the author sought to answer was how to efficiently assess and improve the health of clients in opioid treatment programs at a large, not-for-profit community health center located in an urban area (Gadbois et al., 2016). The project’s objectives were to create a comprehensive health assessment tool to identify healthcare needs, improve and evaluate nursing participation in systematic health assessments, and establish procedures for agency follow-up on identified healthcare needs (Gadbois et al., 2016).
The article addressed the ethical concerns of nursing staff not documenting patient health problems, initiating referrals, or performing medication reconciliation for patients, citing electronic health record difficulties and time constraints (Gadbois et al., 2016). Staff violated the ethical principle of beneficence and potentially non-maleficence as patients did not receive the needed referrals, comprehensive care based on individual health history, and potentially correct medications. A new referral and shared documentation system was implemented due to the quality improvement project. Additionally, providers enrolled in a statewide prescription monitoring program so providers and pharmacists could view controlled prescriptions a patient had received for the past year. Furthermore, a nurse care coordinator position was created to coordinate healthcare and promote health (Gadbois et al., 2016).
The article also addressed the issue of health equity. It cited literature on disparities in preventative care and care related to chronic conditions among minority and poor populations compared to the general public (Gadbois et al., 2016). The article cited that the patient population was multicultural, and the community had high rates of unemployment and homelessness. Additionally, many patients did not have a primary care provider listed or adequate dental care, and many had untreated medical problems (Gadbois et al., 2016). In response, the mental health practice gained licensure to add an ambulatory healthcare clinic to provide patients with preventative care, treat chronic conditions, and address untreated or undiagnosed medical conditions (Gadbois et al., 2016). The project team also researched Medicaid dental benefits, and Medicaid coverage information was provided to nursing staff regarding dental care (Gadbois et al., 2016).
Gadbois, Christine DNP, RN-BC, CDDN, CBIS, APHN-BC; Chin, Elizabeth D. PhD, RN, ANP; Dalphonse, Lee CAGS, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC, LCDS, ICCDP-D. Health Promotion in an Opioid Treatment Program: An Evidence-Based Nursing Quality Improvement Project. Journal of Addictions Nursing 27(2):p 127-142, 4/6 2016. | DOI: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000124 Ogrinc, G., Nelson, W. A., Adams, S. M., & O’Hara, A. E. (2013). An instrument to differentiate between clinical research and quality improvement. IRB., 35(5), 1–8.
Raines, D. A. (2012). Quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and nursing research . . . oh my! Neonatal Network, 31(4), 262–264. to an external site.
Criteria that must be met in response:
-All questions must be answered.
-Response must be accurate, specific, and addressed criteria for evaluation of the posting. -Offer suggestions for improvement.
-Evidence of critical thinking.
– Writing is clear and well-organized. Spelling and grammar correct. APA format is used consistently and reference list.


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